And when the body finally starts to let go let it all go at once not piece by piece. but like a whole bucket of stars dumped into the universe. Whoooh! Watch it go! Good-bye small hands, good-bye small heart good-bye small head My soul is climbing tree trunks and swinging from every branch They're calling on me, they're calling one me... Do you think I'm an animal? Am I not? Do you like fur Do you wanna come over Are we captive only for a short time Is there splendor, I'm not ashamed Desire shoots through me like birds singing (The way you move no ocean's waves were ever as fluid) They're calling on me, they're calling one me... I hit the mark! I target moon, I target sky, I target sun. Fall down on the world before it falls on you. Like beggars, like Stars, like whores, us all Like beggars, like dogs Like Stars, us all Shoot straight for my heart (And when you were near no sky was ever quite so clear) Like stars, so small Like us. when we fall Like beggars, like whores Like lovers, Get Up! Get up...too far.
Desde que vi Paranoid Park não consigo ouvir outra coisa que não seja Nino Rota. As trilhas que ele fez para o Fellini. O Gus Van Sant conseguiu usá-las de uma maneira genial. Não vou nem botar trailer do youtube porque só assistindo o filme.
O que fazer num dia de chuva como esse? Pegar sua pessoa preferida, ir para Liberdade, entrar num restaurante japonês, mas um de verdade, nada desses metidos a finos e modernos. Fui uma vez num que fica num hotel lá que seria perfeito, só tinha japoneses e beirava o kitch na medida certa. Pedir ao garçom sashimi e saquê " and keep them coming." E torçer para a chuva não passar.
Dear Darkness - PJ Harvey The First Season - John Frusciante Laura - Vicent Gallo Recollections - Miles Davis Alone in Tokyo - Air City Girls -Kevin Shields Laura Palmer´s theme -Angelo Badalamenti Petite Piece - Claude Debussy All my trails - Nick Drake Absolute Beauty is an Absolute curse - John Parish
"Eu só bebo champagne quando estou feliz e quando estou triste. Às vezes, bebo quando estou sozinha, mas quando estou em companhia, considero obrigatório. Eu me distraio com champagne quando estou sem fome e bebo quando estou faminta. Fora isso, nem toco nele, a menos que esteja com sede”. Lily Bollinger (my hero. at the moment.)
Amai para entendê-las! Pois só quem ama pode ter ouvido Capaz de ouvir e de entender estrelas.
"The First Season" Let the pretend take over And that season be the first Shadows we're in become us So we set up interspersed Between here and away Become your space every day When it changes up my row It slates when time will turn to a room Light starts being there To talk about all he's feeling for the moon To even the lie damn him In that halo Evil Round that halo Evil It hangs by evil You revolve now with my echo You rose interwound Actually people in the wrong Come thru and go on Leave my lonely mind a cell Keep flowing on a drill I keep holding on to myself Be humble, take it the slow way As I'm aloud Even holding on My cell of space that holds me
"The Past Recedes" 1, 2, 3, 4 And then the past recedesand I won't be involved The effort to be free Seems pointless from above You're looking down at me I'd rather stay below Than have you staring up at me It is nowhere I want to go Ay, this business of how long we try to stay alive Why to be here you first got to die so I gave it a try And what do you know Time was so long ago And things come back you see To where they don't belong and every drop of sea is the whole ocean I lied to the greatest thieves about anything and everything I'm a figure of forgotten speech I'm out of reach I can't play it safe But I might just in case I'm disguised as a reaching hand I'm a working man I don't understand why clockout come so slow everytime That's one line I stay right behind
"Wind of space" can't wait I can't wait for the time to break Use it for a motorbike You'll spin right out of sight You'll never have been where you'll be You go back to the faceless ride Wind up space Wind up space to go place to place Dream that you died It takes you out of your mind
Essa noite sonhei que eu estava em Paris jantando com o Bertrand Russell e a Sophie Calle. Ela não dizia nada e tinha esse colar de gato empalhado. E ele dizia:
Por que cometer erros antigos se há tantos erros novos para escolher?
Dorothy( Keira Kinight) com Kara Walker como a fada brice maden como o espantalho john curris como o homem de lata jasper johns como o leão medroso jeff koons como macaco voador!
A montagem do filme é um pouco burra. No entanto a fabulosa Marion Cotillard arrasa na pele da MAJESTOSA Edith Piaf. Eu me apaixonei completamente por ela. A Piaf claro. Estou lendo suas memórias, PIAF - NO BAILE DO ACASO. Recomendadissimos.
Touch the wooden gate in the wall you never saw beforeSay “please” before you open the latch,
go through, walk down the path. A red metal imp hangs from the green-painted front door, as a knocker, do not touch it; it will bite your fingers. Walk through the house. Take nothing. Eat nothing. However, if any creature tells you that it hungers, feed it. If it tells you that it is dirty, clean it. If it cries to you that it hurts, if you can, ease its pain.
From the back garden you will be able to see the wild wood. The deep well you walk past leads down to Winter’s realm; there is another land at the bottom of it. If you turn around here, you can walk back, safely; you will lose no face. I will think no less of you.
Once through the garden you will be in the wood. The trees are old. Eyes peer from the undergrowth. Beneath a twisted oak sits an old woman. She may ask for something; give it to her. She will point the way to the castle. Inside it are three princesses. Do not trust the youngest. Walk on. In the clearing beyond the castle the twelve months sit about a fire, warming their feet, exchanging tales. They may do favors for you, if you are polite. You may pick strawberries in December’s frost.
Trust the wolves, but do not tell them where you are going. The river can be crossed by the ferry. The ferryman will take you. (The answer to his question is this: If he hands the oar to his passenger, he will be free to leave the boat. Only tell him this from a safe distance.)
If an eagle gives you a feather, keep it safe. Remember: that giants sleep too soundly; that witches are often betrayed by their appetites; dragons have one soft spot, somewhere, always; hearts can be well-hidden, and you betray them with your tongue.
Remember your name. Do not lose hope—what you seek will be found. Trust ghosts. Trust those that you have helped to help you in their turn. Trust dreams. Trust your heart, and trust your story.
When you come back, return the way you came. Favors will be returned, debts be repaid. Do not forget your manners. Do not look back. Ride the wise eagle (you shall not fall) Ride the silver fish (you will not drown) Ride the gray wolf (hold tightly to his fur).
There is a worm at the heart of the tower; that is why it will not stand.
When you reach the little house, the place your journey started, you will recognize it, although it will seem much smaller than you remember. Walk up the path, and through the garden gate you never saw before but once. And then go home. Or make a home.
We were talking about the space between us all And the people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion Never glimpse the truth then it's far too late when they pass away
We were talking about the love we all could share When we find it - to try our best to hold it there - with our love With our love we could save the world if they only knew Try to realise it's all within yourself no-one else can make you change And to see you're really only very small And life flows on within you and without you.
We were talking about the love that's gone so cold And the people who gain the world and lose their soul They don't know, they can't see - are you one of them? When you've seen beyond yourself then you may find peace of mind is waiting there And the time will come when you see we're all one And life flows on within you and without you.